Vocabulary on jobs and employment

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Job search

Unemployed. Out of work. Jobseeker.
Job site. Job offer. Vacant position. Job opening.
CV. Resume. Covering letter.
To apply for a job. Applicant. Application.
Recruitment agency. Recruitment process. Headhunter.
Job interview. Skills assessment. Screening.
Human Resources. HR department. Head of HR.
Employer and employee. Sign a contract. Signature. Clauses.
Turn down an offer. Reject an offer.

Working conditions

Part time job / Full time job.
Permanent contract / Temporary contract
Work overtime. Take days off.
Trainee/Junior/Senior operator/assistant/manager.
Self-unemployed. Freelance worker. Freelancer.
Training programme. Career plan. Get a promotion.
Be appointed to a managing position.
Board of directors. Management.
White-collar workers / Blue-collar workers.

Economic conditions

Income. Salary. Wages. Payslip. Pay rise. Salary cut.
Core salary. Work on a commission basis. Bonuses. Perks. Incentives.
Social benefits. Pension scheme. Health insurance. Share options.
Trade union. Worker's union. Collective bargaining agreement.
Industrial relations. Go on a strike. Industrial action. Industrial dispute.

Leaving a company

Resign. Quit a job. Resignation letter.
To retire. Retirement pension.
Get fired. Low performance. Meet expectations.
Get sacked. Be dismissed. Dismissal.
Layoffs. Be made redundant. Redundancy plan.